Message from Valid
We hope you are all warm and staying connected during this tricky time. Here is a little song that some of VALID’S Peer Action Members have been working on over our last two lockdowns. We hope it cheers you up a little.
click here
News Update
ABI Peer Support Groups - Currently running...Northern suburbs Tuesday at 10AM-/-Southern suburbs Tuesday at 10AM-/- Eastern suburbs Thursday at 10.30AM-/- Western suburbs Thursday 10AM Email or PH 96397222 to register or find out more.
Brain Injury in the Media
From devastating injury to Olympic medal, Australia’s Owen Wright makes surfing history (27 July 2021)
Australian surfer had to learn to walk – and surf – again five and a half years ago.
Now he has a bronze medal in the sport’s Olympic debut.
Read the full story (Shared from The Guardian)

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